| The manufacturing sector ranks fire as the third-highest risk, driven by rapid urbanisation and lax fire safety norms. Lack of proper firesafety equipment, fire stations and trained personnel compound the problem. Here is an overview of what industrial organisations mustfocus on to have proper safety measures an fire-proofed functioning.
Fire is the fourth disruptive risk identified by businesses in India, as per the FICCI India Risk Survey 2021. Fire has climbed from tenth in 2019 to fourth in India in the Risk Survey 2021. It is a major concern for companies as it damages property and brings serious threats to life.
Regarding the manufacturing sector, fire is ranked third due to the rise in fire incidents due to rapid urbanisation and less focus on fire safety norms and protocols. To ensure the safety of workers and the environment on industrial sites, standardised fire safety equipment becomes
essential. The equipment is needed to control fires, minimise the damage it causes, protect workers and prevent further harm to the environment by limiting air pollution. While there has been a decrease in overall fire incidents in the last five years, there has been a rise in the death toll due to accidents. This is alarming! It is speculated that the increase in death can be due to difficulty in emergency services.
Fire-prone industrial sites
Industrial sites in India are increasingly prone to fires due to various causes. According to data from the National Fire Protection Association, there were 17,800 reported industrial fires in India in 2022 and 2023, resulting in over 800 injuries and 77 fatalities. Most of these fires were caused by careless smoking, electrical malfunctions and the use of combustible materials. Unsafe storage and handling of hazardous
materials, also increased the number of fires.The situation is only expected to worsen in the coming years if the proper measures are not taken, as the number of industries in India is estimated to double by 2030. To minimise the risk of fire-related accidents, industrial sites
should ensure that all employees are adequately trained in fire safety, materials are properly stored and equipment is regularly inspected and maintained.
Lack of safety equipment
In India, industrial sites are often prone to fires due to various reasons, such as improper storage of flammable materials or lack of maintenance. However, these sites’ lack of fire safety equipment is a major concern. Without proper fire safety equipment, an unforeseen spark could quickly turn into an uncontrollable blaze in a matter of minutes. With no means to control it or alert employees, the situation can
become catastrophic for workers and their families who depend on them for survival. Moreover, insufficiently trained personnel equipped
with firefighting skills only aggravates an already dangerous situation. Lack of coordination between management and staff during such emergencies can result in confusion and chaos that leads to further harm. Industrial site owners must prioritise investing in high-quality fire safety equipment that meets industry standards. Certified industry officials should conduct regular checks to ensure all systems are always functional.
Rohit Mali, Director, Firefly Fire Pumps
Dire need
India is one of the most populated countries in the world, which means that the distribution of resources and availability of safety services must be the nation’s top priority. However, as per the case built by the National Disaster Management Authority during the 13th Finance Commission, India is in a 97.56%, 80.04% and 96.28% deficit of fire stations, firefighting and rescue vehicles and fire personnel, respectively. Hence, industries must also be self-reliant and have a fire safety pump setup. Industrial fire safety pumps, smoke detectors,
fire alarms and sprinkler systems are essential firefighting tools for preventing a company’s asset sales. Mobile fire firefighting solutions like portable and trailer fire pumps and immediate remedies are necessary for fire outbreaks across multiple industries that cannot afford to
wait for external help. These fire pumps combat major fires and act as quick support ensuring the fire is extinguished before it damages property and life. Multi-purpose fire pumps have applications that help not just in fire-fighting, but also in dewatering and flood relief as well as industrial washing. Fire pumps have foam solutions that assist in fighting chemical-induced fires that we see in most industrial fire cases. These pumps can be utilised for a longer term Industries that might even have a 1% chance of fires breaking out should make an effective choice of selecting these compatible, affordable and highly standardised fire pumps for firefighting.
Government policy implications
The Government of India has implemented various fire safety regulations for industrial sites. These regulations are laid down under the Indian Factory Act of 1948 and the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act of 1996, reducing the risk to employees and the infrastructure of the industrial sites. However, on-ground implementation is still an area of concern. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reported 11,902 fire incidents in factories and industrial establishments in India in 2020. This is a 6.1% increase compared to 2019. The Government, in many states, is laying out re-development plans for non-conforming areas to bring the manufacturing facilities to par with the regulations and safety. This will impact more than a million labourers, making them accessible to a safe working environment.
Ensuring a safe environment for labourers must be the employers’ utmost priority. Scheduling routine safety drills, remodelling the plant as per the increase in capacity and manpower, regular maintenance of fire safety pumps and equipment and other measures are necessary to avoid hazards. With the government’s help in setting fire safety pumps and equipment standards, the industry can be provided with best-in-class products to minimise and potential damage caused by a fire.